Client Testimonials


When we came to the conclusion that our debt was becoming too big a beast to handle, we also knew we needed help. With mounting medical expenses, credit cards, student loans, on top of the IRS debt, our financial future looked pretty bleak. From the very first conversation with Kayla, we felt like there could be some hope. With her calm assuring approach we felt there was not only hope we could be saved but that there could actually be a future in our financial situation that did not include bankruptcy,.

Now several months down the road we are not just getting by anymore, we are actually working the plan we all put together and have refined with Kayla's direction. When there have been mistakes made she has been able to show us the impact on the plan and offer suggestions on how to avoid repeating the mistakes. The fact that it is all done with such professionalism helps us continue to put in the effort. Instead of our debt controlling us, we now have a financial plan and are back in control of our money, thanks to Kayla. She will tell you it is a lot of work, but it has the rewards to show for it, if you work the plan. "It's a process, not an event" K. Leoni

— Ric & Kathy

I would highly recommend Kayla at Ready Financial Coaching for anyone that is interested in getting their finances organized. She can help you with your financial goals and offer solutions. You will learn how to be a good steward of your money.

— MJ

Before meeting with Kayla, I was feeling overwhelmed, drowning in debt, never really knowing what a needed to do to make ends meet. After meeting with Kayla, she put my fears aside, showed me the harsh truth about how to budget appropriately and how to take action in gaining my life back.

Kayla totally helped customize a plan to get my finances back in order and it all started with just a few tiny adjustments to my daily life. I’ve found that I’ve learned more about interest rates, terms and conditions and that’s totally unlike me, normally when someone talks finance, I’m turned off and tuned out. This has totally opened my eyes.

I would totally recommend Kayla to anyone who wants to get the finances back on track, especially if you have a big goal to work toward.

Thanks Kayla!

— Brian